Good financial management is critical to success in any industry, but each one has specific differences that you need to know about. Let’s learn more about that in this blog. 

Over the course of our 15-year journey at SBS Accounting & Advisors, one thing stands out today as much as it did from the very beginning: none of it would be possible without all of you – our loyal and trusting customers. I am humbled by your support and honored by the trust you’ve placed in the SBS team to handle your most sensitive information, find you powerful solutions to your everyday needs, and help you grow personally and professionally.

While we’re blessed to serve many different industries and businesses, we have developed particular niches over time that we feel passionate about, and confident that we understand their unique needs and opportunities for long-term growth.

In this blog, I will go over some of those niches and offer some resources that may help. Here is more on those niches, and know that our SBS team is constantly striving to take you and your business to the next level.


If you’ve been following our recent blogs and newsletters (thank you!), you’ve seen how much I deeply care about serving churches and how much my faith means to me. I am so honored and grateful for Jesus Christ, and what He has done for me. I am so thankful to Him and His sacrifice on the cross for my sins, helping give me strength and wisdom every day and assurance that one day I will be with Him for all eternity.

When it comes to running your church and planning for growth, we know that the task of managing your church’s finances – and keeping up with your for-profit counterparts – can weigh heavy on your shoulders. At SBS, we make it our mission to help you and your church serve God and use his finances legally, so that you can continue to be there for your congregation and community.

It starts with understanding that it’s about more than just money; it’s about being a good steward of the resources that God has given you. We will help you get there based on our experience and knowledge at SBS.

To learn more about how we can best serve you, check out some of these resources:


Another niche we’ve been blessed to serve is construction. As a construction owner, we know you wear so many hats and are faced with many challenges, such as lack of skilled workers, high insurance costs and not enough cash on hand.

With more than a decade of experience specializing in construction accounting, we know the ins and outs of your industry, and what it takes to help you grow and prosper. Check out some resources below to learn more.

Professional Services – Accounting 

When it comes to CPAs, we take a unique approach. We know you are good with day-to-day numbers, forecasts and tax filings, and we know our role as the bookkeeper – turning the client’s data into actionable results that ignite growth and success. At SBS, we feel the best value of the relationship is when the CPA and the bookkeeper works as a team with the clients – something we call a “three-way triangle.”

With teamwork, helping each other grow and doing our absolute best for our clients in mind, check out our resources to see our referral strategy and learn more about this three-way triangle.

Car Washes

Another industry we have worked with for more than a decade is car washes. We’ve seen firsthand your biggest pain points, such as high costs, overhead and the need to improve your bottom line. Our SBS team strives to find powerful solutions to your everyday needs, coming up with actionable plans to solve those pesky pain points.

To learn more about how we can take you and your car wash to the next level, check out these resources:

Other Industries SBS Serves 

While we have carved out a niche in the four industries above, we are able to serve many different industries at SBS. Those include real estate brokers, restaurants, professional services, non-for-profit organizations, and more.

For a list of the broad range of clients we help, click here.

Want SBS to Take a Deeper Look at Your Business? We’re Here to Help!

I hope that some of the resources and content in this article resonated with you and your business in some way. If you would like our SBS team to take deeper look at your business, or just have some questions, contact us today. We’d love to hear from you and find opportunities to bring you growth and success!