How much cash reserves do you need before you hire new staff?
For a small business, hiring a new employee is a big deal. It is a major investment and also an exciting milestone. Adding staff means you’re growing and potentially increasing revenue. But there is more to the financial side of adding an employee than just being sure...
Focus on Pre-tax Profit, Not on Revenue
As a small business owner, you are probably focused on growing your revenue. That’sfine – who doesn’t want to get more sales each year? But, the top line should not bethe first place your attention goes when you look at the income statement. Yes, youread that...
3 Ways Underpaying Yourself is Hurting Your Business
As a small business owner, you know the struggles of keeping the business going. You wear a lot of hats, put in the long hours, and prioritize your company's success above all else. Sometimes, this dedication translates to taking a backseat with your own salary,...
New federal regulation impacts how you classify workers
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has finalized its new independent contractor rule,with big implications for small businesses. The new regulation, which would make it more difficult for companies to classify workersas independent contractors, has been opposed by...
ALERT! New federal Beneficial Ownership Information regulation may apply to your small business*
There is a new federal regulation impacting tens of millions of small businesses this year, and you need be aware of it. The U.S. Department of Treasury now requires most small companies to hand over details about their ownership via the Beneficial Ownership...
Year-end tax planning time is here
Before you know it, we’ll all be saying “Happy New Year!” With the end of the 2023 quickly approaching, it’s a good time think about your financial situation and tackle a few tasks. Tax planning between now and December 31 can have a significant impact on your...
QuickBooks launches AI digital assistant
Intuit, the maker of QuickBooks, recently announced an AI tool called Intuit Assist that will be rolling out to U.S. customers in the next few months. According to Intuit, the chatbot digital assistant will have the ability to make life easier for QuickBooks users in...
Use Return on Investment (ROI) for effective project analysis
For small businesses in all industries, measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) for every major expense should be a mandatory exercise. Unfortunately, calculating this financial metric is often overlooked, so owners and managers miss out on the accompanying benefits....
Learn to read your cash flow statement
Small business owners have a lot of tasks to manage to keep their businesses running smoothly, but among the most important things on the radar is the financial health of the enterprise. Everyone knows when the money dries up, you’re done. Though there are many pieces...
Beware! Profit does not equal cash flow
Small businesses are especially susceptible to fluctuations in cash flow, so owners andmanagers need to continually monitor their company’s cash balance. As we’ve outlinedpreviously, the cash balance report is a great way to that. Beyond the cash balance report,...