
Microbusinesses: Too Big to Fail

Microbusinesses: Too Big to Fail

For years, people have counted out microbusinesses, saying they are too small to succeed and envisioning them getting crushed by the heavy hitters like Walmart. But, in reality, they’ve done quite the opposite, exploding onto the U.S. economy and making a positive...

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5 Ways to Avoid Prepare for an Audit

5 Ways to Avoid Prepare for an Audit

Figuring out a way to avoid an audit may sound good, but the eventual outcome isn’t really in your control. Sure, there may be ways to increase your chances of not being audited, but the fact is that anyone can be audited, randomly, at any time. Don’t avoid an audit;...

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Cash Flow Tips to Transform Your Business

Cash Flow Tips to Transform Your Business

For many small business owners, COVID-19 has caused us to change the way we work, made us question our company's survival, and thrown a wrench in our goals and plans. Through it all, there's one solution to keep these things going, and get through future disasters:...

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Ransomware – Act Now Before It’s Too Late

Ransomware – Act Now Before It’s Too Late

When it comes to security threats and cyber attacks, we often don’t take any action until it’s too late – when it’s in our own backyard or it happens to someone we know. The latter recently happened to a colleague of ours with ransomware, something that shook us to...

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