For small businesses in all industries, measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) for every major expense should be a mandatory exercise. Unfortunately, calculating this financial metric is often overlooked, so owners and managers miss out on the accompanying benefits....
Small business owners have a lot of tasks to manage to keep their businesses running smoothly, but among the most important things on the radar is the financial health of the enterprise. Everyone knows when the money dries up, you’re done. Though there are many pieces...
Small businesses are especially susceptible to fluctuations in cash flow, so owners andmanagers need to continually monitor their company’s cash balance. As we’ve outlinedpreviously, the cash balance report is a great way to that. Beyond the cash balance report,...
Cash is king, and that is especially true for small businesses. As an owner or manager, you mustkeep an eagle eye on cash balances to ensure the financial stability of your company. You don’twant to be caught in a situation where it’s Monday, cash reserves are low,...
In our last article, we highlighted three ways to analyze financial reports. As we discussed,documents including the income statement and key performance indicators (KPIs) such ascurrent ratio and quick ratio can give you valuable insight into what’s going on in...