Your Atlanta Business Better Have Learned These Small Business Tips…
A new year is fast approaching. Many businesses are eager to turn the page on the past year – and its economic fallout.And of course we’ve been writing about how to navigate it.Today, let’s reach for some small business tips you should be taking away from this...
Jonathan Bill’s “Help Us to Remember” Holiday Prayer
It’s Monday the 20th, as I put this together, and many of our Atlanta clients and friends are gearing up for a very different kind of holiday week.I’m very aware that while the holidays are a time of joy for many, they are just as often a time of pain for...
How Your Atlanta Business Can Fight Inflation
Whether you like it or not, you’ve most likely found yourself in a fight against inflation. Somebody hikes prices on your supplier and suddenly your supplier has no choice but to increase the price on you. Then you have no choice but to raise the price on your...