Remember the days of searching for that elusive bill or receipt, not only at tax time but also throughout the year?
Today, you can simply snap a photo of a bill or forward a receipt by email, and never have to worry about it being lost or accidentally shredded ever again. Then, we take over, and you save time that can be put toward more important things, such as running your business.
That’s exactly the result you get when you combine Receipt Bank, our preferred app that integrates with QuickBooks Online, with our services. You see, what we do with Receipt Bank goes way beyond just what the app does; for example, we ensure that your receipts are coded to the correct accounts and then match them with your bank transactions in QuickBooks Online.
It’s our combination of services with a great app, such as Receipt Bank, that gives you a great return, including:
- Efficiency – Save time and the hassle of keeping up with receipts and communicating items purchased.
- Real-time Information – Your data gets published to your accounting software more quickly and accurately.
- Avoiding Disaster – Be better prepared in case of an audit.
- Everything at Your Fingertips – Anytime, anywhere access to all your information no matter where you are.
Contact us today to discuss adding Receipt Bank to your current services or to learn about any of our other great services.