As small business owners, we are constantly trying to figure out how to work on our businesses, rather than in our businesses. Accomplishing this not only requires constant work and dedication, but also finding the right balance of time and money, and applying the right mix of tools and resources throughout the process.
That’s where the new, powerful integration of PayPal and QuickBooks provides just the solution, known as Connect to PayPal. Before the app was revamped, reconciling PayPal and recording transactions was a nightmare. But, now, it’s a thing of the past – and brings with it so many robust features.
Here are some of the biggest benefits for you – the small business owner. Of course, Sound Business Services is here for you to guide you through the entire process and get you the solutions you need when you need them.
Visibility to See the Big Picture
As small business owners, we are thrown in so many directions, and deal with so many small details, that we often lose sight of the bigger picture: finding our untapped potential, dreaming big, reaching our goals, and growing now and into the future.
Connect to PayPal helps you to do just that, providing the efficiencies and capabilities you need to possess the visibility to see the big picture. This stronger way of bringing transactions into QuickBooks allows you complete control over customer, product and fee information, all at your fingertips.
Better PayPal Transaction and Reconciling Solutions
One common mistake many people make with PayPal is treating it more like a credit card than a bank. They see PayPal purchases going right into a funding account to pay for something and try to account for them there. Another mistake many people make is letting the money in their PayPal account just sit there, having it go unrecognized until it’s manually sent to their bank account. Simply put, PayPal is a bank, and these two mistakes can cause a lot of issues when it comes to tracking down transactions and reconciling.
With Connect to PayPal, these issues are automatically improved for you. You are now able to review all PayPal transactions before putting them into your QuickBooks, enabling you to edit information to make sure each transaction is correct and accurate. And, as for reconciling your PayPal account, you no longer have to do it by hand – Connect to PayPal automatically takes note of your PayPal fees and delivers them to an expense account that you get to choose and customize.
Time is Money
The old phrase, “Time is Money,” which comes from Benjamin Franklin’s “Advice to a Young Tradesman, Written by an Old One” in 1748, is still true today. And, Connect to PayPal provides a great solution for this.
By giving you these new and powerful features, you will have more time on your hands to run your business, which will, in turn, grow through the help of this integration and the knowledge and experience we provide at Sound Business Services.
Let Us Know How We Can Help
As you can see, this new app is solving key pain points that not only helps us both make less mistakes, but also deliver our customers what they need when they need it. In this case, everyone grows and everyone wins!
This may seem overwhelming, but don’t worry because Sound Business Services is here for you every step of the way. Contact us to get started, or with any questions, and you’ll be on your way to a winning solution that will improve your customer relationships and the growth of your business.