Jonathan Bill speaking at Illuminate 2023, small business learning and networking event
As a client or friend of SBS Accounting & Advisors, we invite you to join us for a free, in-person learning and networking event for small businesses on Tuesday, February 7, from 4:45 to 6:30pm, in the Perimeter Area of metro Atlanta. Jonathan Bill, owner of SBS,...
7 Primary Tasks For Any Atlanta Business Team
I don’t know about you, but after the holidays (and I hope yours were filled with good things and happy times with loved ones), I’m always a bit tapped out on the spending. But in true governmental fashion, Uncle Sam is piling it on. Seems like Congress missed...
Succession Planning Strategy For Atlanta Business Owners
The 2022 clock is almost at midnight.An end to a still somewhat crazy year — “the crazy” seems like our new normal, post-2020, am I right? There were a lot of challenges this year and they were … exhausting. Keeping up with the changes and adjusting to the economic...