4 Super Helpful Tactics to Streamline Your Business’ Bookkeeping
As business owners, we have a lot on our plates. With everything you have to do, it can be easy to put off back office tasks such as keeping your books clean and standardizing accounting procedures. Making time to streamline your bookkeeping and accounting processes,...
5 Cybersecurity Steps all Atlanta Business Owners Should Take
From making sure that nobody is doing Zoom calls in their bathrobe to ensuring that work actually gets done on time, you’ve got a few extra things to worry about as a Atlanta business owner these days.Chief among those new concerns, however, should be...
5 Tips to Protect Your Organization’s Software Systems from Hacking
Just like safely locking a file cabinet of financial paperwork, you need to make sure your software is protecting your organization’s digital records. That means making sure the software your business or nonprofit uses – one of your digital filing cabinets – has...