In part 1 of this two-part series, we discussed the first 7 traits of effective church leadership. Now, in part 2, we will discuss the other 7. See those leadership qualities below, and know that SBS Accounting & Advisors is here to help you with your church finances and grow.
Trait 8: Clarity in Direction
In business, clarity in direction comes from experience. As an individual, that might mean personal experience that can only come from having lived through these circumstances before. It also may mean seeking counsel from one who has.
In church finance, clarity in direction comes from God. It comes from seeking him in prayer and in His Word. It comes from seeking the council of other trusted believers who are doing the same, and then taking that clarity and presenting it to the local church body.
Trait 9: An Ability to Admit Mistakes
Often, the only way to achieve confidence and clarity is by making mistakes and learning from them. However, as a leader, the only way to remain in leadership is the ability to admit when a mistake has been made. Owning up to your own mistakes is an opportunity for personal growth, and to gain the confidence and trust in those around you.
When it comes to finances, admitting a mistake means that it can possibly be fixed before it’s too late. While you may think the IRS is waiting on you to make a mistake, surrounding yourself with layers of checks and balances will help protect you. Admitting you’ve made a mistake will restore confidence in you, and allow you to grow and learn from the mistake that you made.
Trait 10: Commitment to People
One path of success is the lone wolf, but that’s a dark and lonely road. Committing yourself to people can be painful and slow, but it also means that you will have someone to stand by you during the rough spots of life. Understand that loving someone will cost you something, but not loving anyone will cost you even more.
When it comes to finance, committing to people means following through on what you’ve said you will do. It means putting in the time and the effort, and sometimes the money. It means being willing to do what has to be done, in spite of yourself, for the betterment of those around you.
Trait 11: A Large and Ambitious Vision
You’ve probably heard the cliché, “Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” While many of us may roll our eyes, the principle behind this has some truth to it. Having a large and ambitious vision gives us a long-term goal. This doesn’t mean you will ultimately achieve that goal, but if you start down that path with discipline and drive, chances are that you won’t land too far away from your original vision.
This same trait can be applied to finance. This starts with setting that large and ambitious vision, but then following through by setting up an attainable budget and sticking to it.
Trait 12: Self-Belief
A mark of a successful person is self-belief. More than confidence, self-belief is the ability to believe in yourself without the expertise to back it up. You may lack the confidence that comes from proving yourself time and time again, but you can at least believe that, with experience, you can be better than what you are – and what others may believe of you.
In finance, self-belief is the ability to not shut down under pressure. It is moving forward in the face of adversity, and choosing to learn and grow, even under the most dire of circumstances. In church, this self-belief can only come from trusting in the Lord and in His plan for you.
Trait 13: Problem-Solving Skills
Being an effective leader requires the skill of problem solving. It’s about the ability to look at a situation and come up with an effective means of getting from point A to point B. Some people seem to have this skill naturally, but the truth is that anyone can learn it. You must work on your mind, learn more and expand your horizons. Learn to think outside of the box.
In church finance, you need to be willing to look at a problem from every angle, and show a willingness to consider every option. It may mean closing some programs, or even laying someone off, but an effective leader must be willing to solve the problem and further the mission.
Trait 14: A Passion for What They Teach
Finally, an effective leader must have a passion for what they teach. I’m sure we’ve all sat under the tutelage of someone who had to teach on a topic that they didn’t have a passion for, and I’m sure that it was as boring for you as it was for that teacher. Passion excites others. Not only does it help you put in the effort to share all that you know, but your passion has the ability to infect others and make them passionate, too.
When it comes to church finance, this means having a passion to share the biblical model for handing money. It’s about not just living by it in your own personal life and abiding by it in your church ministry, but also sharing this with your people. Have a passion for handling your money the way that God wants it to be handled; it’s ultimately His money, after all.
Once you’ve understood and applied all of these traits of effective church leadership, there still might come a circumstance where you need help and really just want to speak to an expert.
At SBS Accounting and Advisors, we would love to speak with you and discuss how we can help you and your church serve God and use his finances legally. We want to be there for you and aid you, as you walk through the legality of the financial system, with the goal of serving God and spreading the work of his ministry.
If this interests you, please reach out to us.